Eating Disorder Helpline Removes Chatbot After Disastrous Advice Outcome

by | Jun 1, 2023 | Technology News

A chatbot named Tessa was intended to replace the human workers of a major eating disorder helpline, but it was taken offline for promoting unhealthy behaviours such as calorie restriction. The nonprofit organization behind the helpline fired its human workers and introduced Tessa, which some former staffers believe was a move to undermine the union. Tessa lacks the human touch and provided advice that contradicted the helpline’s purpose. The chatbot is currently offline to fix the issue, while the sacked union has filed unfair labour practice charges.

This situation highlights the delicate balance between technological advancements and the importance of human connection in sensitive areas such as mental health support. While chatbots can offer efficiency and accessibility, they may lack the empathy and understanding that human workers can provide. The incident with Tessa underscores the potential dangers of relying solely on automated systems without proper testing and oversight. It raises questions about the ethical implications of replacing human jobs with technology and the responsibility of organizations to ensure the well-being and safety of those seeking help. As we navigate the integration of AI in various domains, it is crucial to consider the limitations and potential risks to prevent harm and prioritize the human element in providing support to vulnerable individuals.


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