Artificial Intelligence

As a technologist with a passion for AI, I am exploring the future impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on our society. While I may not be an AI expert, I have used my technical background to research various sources to provide insights and perspectives.

I recognize that my views on AI are not definitive, and that others may have different opinions and thoughts. Nonetheless, I believe that it is important to start the conversation about the impact of AI on our world today, even if we may not yet have all the answers.

Demystifying AI Development: A simple guide for the curious

Demystifying AI Development: A simple guide for the curious

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a thing of the future; it’s already here, enhancing our healthcare systems, powering our virtual assistants, and streamlining our industries. However, the inner workings of AI development can seem overwhelming to the...

How AI is Changing the Future of Software Engineering

How AI is Changing the Future of Software Engineering

The realm of coding is witnessing a transformative shift as AI becomes an increasingly integral part of the software development process. - a Microsoft product, is a place that stores source code, in business terms, it can be compared to document management...

Neural Lace

Neural Lace

Elon Musk, the entrepreneur and founder of companies such as SpaceX and Tesla, in 2016 set his sights on a new venture: Neuralink. This company aims to develop technology that connects the human brain directly to computers, creating a "Neural Lace." But what exactly...

Consciousness and Ethics in the Age of AI

Consciousness and Ethics in the Age of AI

Throughout history, the notion of consciousness has captivated philosophers, scientists, and intellectuals alike. As artificial intelligence progresses at a rapid pace, the potential for machine consciousness becomes a pressing question. In this article, we will look...

AI’s Intangible Risks, A Closer Look for Insurance Brokers

AI’s Intangible Risks, A Closer Look for Insurance Brokers

No longer confined to the realms of science fiction, artificial intelligence (AI) now permeates our daily lives, transforming industries and revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact. As insurance brokers, the rise of AI technologies brings a wave of novel...

Crafting an Ethical AI Framework

Crafting an Ethical AI Framework

Key Principles, Guidelines, and Implementation Strategies In today's digital era, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a massive role in shaping our lives. This raises the need for organizations to prioritize ethical guidelines ensuring responsible and transparent AI...

Brain-Image Reconstruction: A New Possibility

Brain-Image Reconstruction: A New Possibility

Imagine a world where we can peek into the minds of animals, decode human dreams, and communicate without speaking or moving a muscle. While this may sound like science fiction, recent advancements in neuroscience and technology are bringing us extremely close to...

AI Ethics Officer- A New C-Level Role

AI Ethics Officer- A New C-Level Role

As artificial intelligence (AI) permeates numerous facets of our daily lives, the ethical implications surrounding these technologies are gaining prominence. Organizations are beginning to understand the importance of cultivating and employing AI responsibly. One...

A Conversation with AI

A Conversation with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a constantly advancing domain with the potential to revolutionize numerous aspects of our lives, spanning healthcare, transportation, and communication. Nonetheless, as AI systems grow more sophisticated and become an integral part of...

AI and Business Continuity Risks

AI and Business Continuity Risks

The pace of artificial intelligence (AI) expansion is accelerating exponentially, revolutionizing numerous industries as companies seek to leverage its potential to enhance efficiency and profitability. As a result, organizations are rapidly integrating AI into their...